Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Feather and Finery at Chanel Spring 2011

Lovvvvvvvve these!!!

Photos: GoRunway/Indigital


  1. Yaaay! Another year with feathers! I love the ones in the first picture, so delicate. I'm kicking myself bc! can't remember what bird they come from right now(research time!) I'm inspired.

  2. I love Chanel. So pretty and elegant. I wonder how they did that lipgloss? Gorgeous.

  3. A little off topic: What's the 411 on Nabi Cosmetics? I've been seeing a lot of this line in the $0.99 stores marked up to $2. I couldn't find any reviews online so I wondered if you might have tried it.

    Thx, Mida


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