Monday, August 31, 2009

Tutorials pending

Ladies, (and gents, if there are any following my blog, welcome!!) I will be giving a tutorial on volumizing applications for mascara. Tips that you do not want to miss, especially if you want that full lash look.......stay tuned.........and just so there is a face to the name, a little pic for you all. Miss Mazeppa is thrilled to finally have a web presence after years of trolling makeup blogs and hanging around the makeup counter.....


After years of searching for the perfect mascara, I found my HG in Max Factor 2000 Calorie. Anyone else out there crazy for it?? Sometimes I would stray, like a bored lover, seduced by glitzier (and pricier) brands, but I always return to Max because they really got the formula down for the girl who needs volume and length!! And no flakes!! Flakes should be frosted and eaten at breakfast, not end up all over my face by noon.

To my dismay, internet rumors confirm that Max Factor will be phased out of distribution from the US this year. What will I do without you 2000 Calorie? Perhaps I will be seen in my Honda Element, blazing through the border at Tijuana, police cars and sirens in close pursuit behind me, my face streaked with black from inferior mascara, desperate to reunite with my one true and only mascara love, Max Factor 2000 Calorie.

Can I get any love from my other Max Factor devotees? What mascara would you go to the black market for?
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